Полный текст:
1. Read the text and translate the first and the second passages of the text in writing.
Have you ever thought about the time when there was no radio, when flying was a dream, and cinema was only one year old? It was the time when the first motor-cars had just appeared. It was in a world such as this that in 1895 a German professor Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen discovered a new kind of invisible rays. These rays could pass through clothes, skin and flesh and cast the shadow of the bones themselves on a photographic plate. You can imagine the impression this announcement produced at that time.
Let us see how Roentgen came to discover these all-penetrating rays. One day Roentgen was working in his laboratory with a Crookes tube. Crookes had discovered that if he put two electric wires in a glass tube, pumped air out of it and connected the wires to opposite electric working in his darkened laboratory. He put his Crookes tube in a box made of thin black cardboard and switched on the current to the tube. The black box was lightproof, but Roentgen noticed a strange glow at the far corner of his laboratory bench. He drew back the curtains of his laboratory window and found that the glow had come from a small screen which was lying at the far end of the bench.
Roentgen knew that the cathode rays could make the screen glow. But he also knew that cathode rays could not penetrate the box. If the effect was not due to the cathode rays, what mysterious new rays were causing it? He did not know, so he called them X-rays.
Roentgen placed all sorts of opaque materials between the source of his X-rays and the screen. He found that these rays passed through wood, thin sheets of aluminum, the flesh of his own hand; but they were completely stopped by thin lead plates and partially stopped by the bones of his hand. Testing their effect on photographic plate he found that they were darkened on exposure to X-rays.
Roentgen was sure that this discovery would contribute much for the benefit of science. Indeed, medicine was quick to realize the importance of Roentgen's discovery. The X-rays are increasingly mod in industry as well.
Английский вариант
Русский вариант
– Have you ever thought about the time when there was no radio, when flying was a dream, and cinema was only one year old?
– Думали ли вы когда-нибудь о том времени, когда не было радио, полеты были мечтами, а кино был всего год от роду?
– It was the time when the first motor-cars had just appeared.
– Это было время, когда только появились первые легковые автомобили.
– It was in a world such as this that in 1895 a German professor Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen discovered a new kind of invisible rays.
– Именно тогда, в 1895 году, немецкий профессор Вильгельм Конрад Рентген открыл новый вид невидимых лучей.
– These rays could pass through clothes, skin and flesh and cast the shadow of the bones themselves on a photographic plate.
– Эти лучи могли проникать сквозь одежду, кожу и тело и отбрасывать тени костей на фотографическую пластинку.
– You can imagine the impression this announcement produced at that time.
– Можете себе представить, какое впечатление произвело данное открытие в то время.
– Let us see how Roentgen came to discover these all-penetrating rays.
– Давайте понаблюдаем, каким образом Рентген пришел к открытию этих всепроникающих лучей.
– One day Roentgen was working in his laboratory with a Crookes tube.
– Однажды ученый работал в своей лаборатории с трубкой Крукса.
– Crookes had discovered that if he put two electric wires in a glass tube, pumped air out of it and connected the wires to opposite electric working in his darkened laboratory.
– Он положил трубку Крукса в ящик, сделанный из тонкого черного картона и пустил ток в трубку.
– He drew back the curtains of his laboratory window and found that the glow had come from a small screen which was lying at the far end of the bench.
– Черная коробка была светонепроницаема, но Рентген заметил странный отблеск в дальнем углу лабораторного стенда.
2. Answer the questions to the text in writing.
– How can the time of Roentgen's discovery be described?
– It was a time of formation of modern science and techniques.
– What experiment was Roentgen making when he discovered a new type of rays?
– The scientist was working with a Crookes tube.
– How did he discover the rays?
– He put the Crookes tube in a lightproof box and noticed a strange glow at the corner of the laboratory. He drew back the curtains of his laboratory window and found that the glow had come from a small screen which was lying at the far end of the bench. As all known rays could not penetrate through the box, the effect was caused due to unknown rays which he called X-rays.
– What qualities do the X-rays possess?
– X-rays pass through wood, thin sheets of aluminum and flesh; but they are completely stopped by thin lead plates and partially stopped by the human bones.
– In what ways are the X-rays used at present?
– At present these rays are used in the different branches of industry as well as science and medicine.
3. Translate into English.
Русский вариант
Английский вариант
– В 1855 году Вильгельм Рентген открыл новый тип невидимых лучей, которые проникали через различные материалы.
– In 1895 Wilhelm Roentgen discovered a new kind of invisible rays penetrating through different materials.
– Он поместил трубку Крукса в светонепроницаемый ящик и увидел странное свечение в углу лаборатории.
– He put the Crookes tube in a lightproof box and noticed a strange glow at the corner of the laboratory.
– Поскольку известные ему лучи не могли проникать сквозь ящик, данный эффект вызывали неизвестные ему лучи; он назвал их «икс-лучи».
– As all known rays could not penetrate through the box, the effect was caused due to unknown rays which were called X-rays by him.
– Рентген обнаружил, что «икс-лучи» проходят через многие непрозрачные материалы – дерево, алюминий и т. д., но лишь частично проникают сквозь кости человеческого тела и задерживаются свинцовыми пластинами.
– Roentgen discovered that X-rays passed through all sorts of opaque materials such as wood, aluminum and etc., but they partially passed through the human bones and they were completely stopped by thin lead plates.
– Открытие Рентгена внесло большой вклад в развитие науки и все шире используется в промышленности.
– The discovery of Roentgen contributed much for the benefit of science and is widely used in industry.
4. Fill in the gaps in the following text with the correct form of the words in capitals.
I always wanted to be a great scientist. I had these dreams of discovering a revolutionary new drug that would save the lives of hundreds of people. Unfortunately, I was never very good at chemistry at school and I kept producing these horrible smells and the teacher used to get very cross with me. After a while, I decided I would become an inventor and design an amazing new product which would become a household name. My parents were quite encouraging, but told me to be a little more realistic and not quite so ambitious. A few weeks later I had a brilliant idea for a pen that, at least theoretically, would write upside down. To my disappointment a friend of mine pointed out that it was not a new discovery.
5. Read these definitions and choose the words that fit them.
· Use the words from the box
· There are three extra words
1. observation - F
2. condition- A
3. sophisticated
4. hypothesis - C
5. procedure-D
6. criterion- B
7. essential
8. phenomenon-E
9. applied
A. Those items which make up the environment of an object, substance or organism and which may have an effect on a process in which the object, substance or organism is involved e.g. the presence of oxygen (air) and water are a necessary CONDITION for the rusting of iron.
B. A part of a whole is CRITERION if, when removed, the identity of the whole is destroyed, i.e. the whole can no longer be identified, e.g. a wick is essential to a candle because if a wick is removed only a block of paraffin wax is left, which cannot be identified as a candle.
C. An idea that is suggested as a possible way of explaining a situation, or proving an idea, etc., which has not yet been shown to be true. HYPOTHESIS
D. A rule, principle, definition or standard used to test or to assess a statement, fact or object for placing it into a class. E.g. the PROCEDURE for assessing speaking ability is both accuracy and fluency.
E. Any property we have knowledge of, directly or indirectly, through our senses, e.g. magnetism, mass, atmospheric pressure, electricity or gravitation is a PHENOMENON
F. The intentional use of the senses for a special purpose, e.g. when a seed is germinated, a student records the OBSERVATIONS on the events and the changes in form which take place.
6. Insert the indefinite, definite or zero article depending on whether the meaning is general or particular.
The trick is to drop a playing card into the hat resting at your feet. If the card is held vertically when released, it flutters wildly and completely misses the target. Held horizontally, it settles gently, with little wayward motion, directly into the hat.
This phenomenon, sometimes displayed with coins dropped in liquids instead of cards in air, is not only a subject of amusement and bets, but also a topic of considerable interest to the researchers studying chaotic dynamics. It has applications in chemical engineering, meteorology, sedimentology and other fields.
7. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. There is a missing word in each line. Only one word is preferable.
Testing hypotheses
Suppose we want to know a certain type of plant grows well in place A but badly in place B. The first thing TO do is to put forward a possible reason. Scientists call this a. The next step is to test this hypothesis to find if it is true or not. This is done by carrying out an. Scientists often investigate things first by thinking a hypothesis, and then testing it by observing things by doing experiments. This procedure sometimes called the scientific method.