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Тема: Контрольная работа по английскому языку

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    Контрольная работа по теме: Контрольная работа по английскому языку
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    18.06.2014 15:02:28
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    Проверено - Антивирус Касперского

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    How Does Smoking Affect Health?
    Surgeon General’s report. In 1964 Surgeon General Luther Terry re­leased a 380-page report of a committee that had studied the effects of smoking on health. The committee members had analyzed hundreds of re­search studies on the effects of smoking. The ten doctors on the committee summarized their findings and recommendations in one sentence: "Cigarette smoking is a health hazard of sufficient importance in the United States to warrant appropriate remedial action" In simpler language this means that smoking is a danger to people's health, and that something should be clone about it.
     The committee made this strong statement because it found that ciga­rette smoking is directly related to cancer of the lung and lip, chronic bronchitis, heart disease, emphysema (em’f? se'me), and several other serious diseases.
     You can understand that not all smokers have lung cancer or any of the other diseases associated with smoking. Smoking does not cause these diseases in all smokers, for the same reason that cold viruses do not cause colds in all people who are exposed to them. Smoking greatly increases a smoker's chances of contracting the diseases mentioned. But it does not make it certain that he will contract them.

    Smoke affects the heart. Doctors have known for years that the nicotine (nik'?ten) in cigarette smoke has several effects on the body. Most of these occur if a smoker inhales the smoke of cigarettes. When the blood absorbs nicotine from the smoke in the lungs, several reactions occur. Some blood vessels contract, thus slowing the flow of blood to the regions served by these vessels. The heart is forced to work harder in order to pump blood through the narrower blood vessels. Thus, the blood pressure rises, and a strain is placed on the heart.
    You can see that it would be especially injurious for a person with a heart disease to smoke heavily. In fact the report of the Surgeon General of the United States shows that more smokers die of heart disease than do nonsmokers.
    Курение вредит сердцу. Врачи всегда знали, что никотин в сигаретном дыме оказывает свои влияния на тело, многие из которых происходят, если курильщик вдыхает дым от сигарет. Когда кровь поглощает никотин и доносит его до лёгких, происходят некоторые реакции. Кровяные сосуды сужаются, и это приводит к замедлению притока крови к местам, за которые эти сосуды отвечают. Сердце вынуждено работать с большей нагрузкой для того, чтобы накачать кровь через эти более узкие сосуды. Следовательно, поднимается кровяное давление, и сердце работает более напряженно.
    Очевидно, что особенно пагубным курение будет для человека, у которого есть сердечные заболевания. По сути, в докладе главного хирурга США говорится о том, что чаще от сердечных заболеваний умирают курильщики, нежели чем некурящие люди.
    2. Поставьте 5 вопросов ко всему содержанию текста
    1. What statement did the committee make about smoking?
    2. Is smoking a danger to people’s health?
    3. What happens when the blood absorbs nicotine from the smoke?
    4. Smoking would be especially injurious for a person with a heart disease, wouldn’t it?
    5. Does smoking or drinking alcohol increase chances of contracting lung cancer?
    3. Употребите глагол-сказуемое в правильной форме
    Teenage drinking 1is (to be) very dangerous. What 2happens (to happen) to the grown up in ten years 3happens(to happen) to the teenager in two. Within a short time he 4becomes(to become) a hopeless alcoholic. It 5is known (to know) that an alcoholic's life 6is shortened(to shorten) on the average by ten twelve years. Alcohol 7causes (to cause) heart disease and finally brain damage.  When the effect of a drink 7is (to be) over an alcoholic 8gets (to get) nervous and aggressive until he 9drinks (to drink) again. He often 10fails(to fail) to recognize the problem: "I can 11stop (to stop) any time I want to," is the typical reaction. By the time he 12realizes (to realize) he has got a drinking problem he 13hasalready reached (to reach) the point of no return. He 14begins (to begin) losing friends and is soon unable to carry on with school or work. In many schools in the USA, in Britain and in Germany programmes 15started (to start) to teach both pupils and teachers the facts about alcoholism. Many people 16are helped (to help) by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), an organization of former drinkers who now spend their time helping other alcoholics 17to control (to control) their-drinking problem. The members of AA help each other. They 18admit (to admit) to themselves and others that they are alcoholics and therefore need help. It is being in group that 19helps (to help) them to control their alcoholism. They 20manage (to manage) it on their own.
    ВыберитеправильныйпредлогAir pollution is not only unattractive, but it is also a hazard (for, on, to, within, by) health and property. The chemicals man throws (about, on, for, since, into) the aircan cause many diseases.One type of smog is the London type, which is caused (on, in, at, by, with)smoke from thousands of coal-burning stoves and fireplaces.The photochemical type appears when the sunlight acts (in, upon, with, at, from) the chemicals in automobiles exhaust gases. The sunlight changes the auto exhaust gases and other chemicals trapped in the air (on, for, from, into, about) other gases.Photochemical smog is very irritating (on, in, from, to, by) the eyes, the nose and the lungs.It even reduces auto tire life to a great extent (in, for, from, because, by)cracking the rubber.This type of smog forms only (under, in, since, for, across) certain weather conditions.California has passed laws to control smog (in, on, by, from, as) prohibiting people from releasing so many impurities in the air.There is less progress (at, in, from, by, for) reducing the smoke from homes.  
    5. Соедините слово в правой колонке с его определением слева
    traitsstrong cords that control the location and movements of bonesfrustration b)small hairlike projections that line certain passages in the body
    3. tendons
    c) particular qualities in someone’s character
    4.   RNA
    d)a large container for a very hot fire
    5.   cilia
    e) a feeling brought on by vain attempts to accomplish something
    6. depressant 
    f) the body system that includes the organs that digest food
    7. respiratory system
    g) to add something
    8. gastrointestinal system
    h) a drug that reduces internal body activity, a drug used to reduce pain
    9. furnace
    i) the body system that includes the organs that perform the breathing function
    10. supplement
    j) ribonucleic acid
    traits c) particular qualities in someone’s character strong cords that control the location and movements of bones
    frustration e) a feeling brought on by vain attempts to accomplish something
    3. tendons
    b) small hairlike projections that line certain passages in the body
    4. RNA
    j) ribonucleic acid
    5. cilia
    a) strong cords that control the location and movements of bones
    6. depressant 
    h)  a drug that reduces internal body activity, a drug used to reduce pain
    7. respiratory system
    i) the body system that includes the organs that perform the breathing function
    8. gastrointestinal system
    f) the body system that includes the organs that digest food
    9. furnace
    d) a large container for a very hot fire
    10.  supplement
    g) to add something
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