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Тема: Culture of the future teacher

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  • Полный текст:
    I Introduction……………………………………………………………p.5
    II 1 How do we know a Good Teacher?.......................................p.7
    1.1 A possible concept of a Good Teacher………………………..p.7
    1.2 Problems in Evaluating a Good Teacher……………………...p.10
    1.3 Conflicted Values……………………………………………….p.13
    2 Education as Enculturation……………………………………….p.15
    2.1 Lesson plan and teachers notes………………………………..p.15
    2.2 Nontraditional teaching…………………………………………p.16
    2.3 Can an Individual's Approach to Learning Be Modified?......p.21
    2.4 Can a teacher’s Approach modify?......................................p.21

    3 Active learning activities at school………………………………p.23
    3.1 Promoting Active learning………………………………………p.23
    3.2 Role plays in the classroom……………………………………..p.26
    III Conclusion……………………………………………………………p.29
    The actuality of the problem. I think that there is a main question in teaching. How do we know a good teacher? The answer to the question asked in the title is approached in two ways: an analysis of a possible concept of good teaching and a discussion of the problems involved in evaluating good teaching. Conclusion: there is no such person as the good teacher but it is possible to know when a teacher is good and what good teaching is.
    What good teaching is and how to recognize when a teacher is good are closely related problems, as baffling as they are persistent. Except for those who claim an intuitive power of knowing the instant they step into the classroom whether or not the teaching and teacher are good, supervisors and administrators under the necessity of passing such judgments are faced with truly bewildering dilemmas.
    Here, for example, is a teacher who obviously violates most of the accepted principles of good teaching. But year after year his pupils return to visit him with affection and appreciation.
    Here is another teacher whose pupils score high in all achievement tests, who learn to read better and more quickly that other comparable groups but who seem to develop very little in social attitudes and relationships.
    Here is a teacher, warm and understanding, whose room is a veritable bit of life with birds singing, white rats peering out of cages, geraniums blooming in window boxes, children happy and contented. But her pupils show a general sloppiness and lack of accuracy in the tool subjects that are definitely disturbing.
    Here is a teacher whose pupils become identified with problems of the community and even of the world. They correspond with children in ware-devastated countries; they serve on traffic patrols; they send letters to their congressmen. But when they are confronted as individuals with anything requiring a study, concentrated effort they seem utterly incapable of settling down.
    Here is a teacher who believes in discipline, who proclaims aloud that ''order is heaven's first law," and gets it. Her teaching techniques are almost flawless but the children do not learn.
    On the upper levels, here is a teacher who proudly points to the fact that practically all of his pupils go on to high school and college, and make good records. In contrast, here is another teacher whose pupils marry early, settle down into happy family life, and occupy obscure positions in the social scene.
    And we ask-how are we to judge in the last analysis which teaching is of most worth?
    Difficult as it is, every educator responsible in any way for the education of teachers must to the best of his ability stake down what he, out of his experience, thinks a good teacher is. What is expressed in the flowing paragraphs is by no means a complete account of our concept of good teaching but it may be sufficient to indicate an orientation toward a way of thinking about the problem. In any event it would be impossible to draw up a set of criteria without regard to the needs and goals of a particular situation.
    The object of research – the consideration of function of the teacher in developing innovation culture of a future teacher.
    The subject of research – the role of function of the teacher in developing innovation culture of a future teacher.
    The aim of research – to find ways of developing innovation culture of a future teacher.
    The task of research:
    1. To analyze theoretical material on the problem of research.
    2. To reveal function of the teacher in developing innovation culture of a future teacher.
    3. To find the advantages of function of the teacher in developing innovation culture of a future teacher.
    Following methods of research were used during the writing of the work:
    research and analysis of methodical literature;determined observation on usage of studying materials;experimental usage of additional visual and entertaining materials. The articles from methodological journals, educational and methodological literature were also used during writing of the work.
    II 1 How do we know a Good Teacher?
    1.1 A possible concept of a Good Teacher
    We are accustomed to the idea that a teacher should be someone who loves children. In fact, many a novitiate thinks she has done extraordinarily well when in answer to the question, "Why do you want to become a teacher?" she answers with feeling, "I love children." It's a disarming answer, especially to the interviewer who may have given the question a considerable amount of thought. It's a good thing that she loves children, that she realizes that loving children is an asset in a teacher. But if she thinks that is the end rather than the beginning, she has a long way to go.
    Children do need to be loved and accepted by their teachers. The young teacher who naturally warms to children has the fundamental ingredient of acceptance, but her growth as a fine teacher will depend upon her ability to reach deeper and deeper levels of acceptance. What these are can only be briefly suggested:
    •   accepting children on the basis of enjoying their vitality, their charm, their freshness, their creativeness
    •   being able to handle the expression of raw emotion occasionally involving negative feeling toward the teacher, especially in younger children
    •   appreciating differences among children with respect to ratio between potential and overt accomplishment
    •   including the concept of children-within-families but not with the attitude of pointing an accusing finger at the family for what the child may lack.
    In fact, it is probably true that a deeply accepting teacher is involved almost not at all in the process of blaming either the child or the family. Instead she is always looking for ways into rather than ways out 0/her responsibility as a teacher.[1]
    "What makes you think you would be a good teacher?" often brings the direct reply, "I get along very well with children." One might hope for a reply that included the idea that the teacher gets along well with people, and children are people. Teachers are happiest and most successful when they are natural communicators-personalities who realize the best in themselves through their interaction with other human beings.
    Not all professions are equally dependent on this quality. To be in rapport with children is essential but good rapport is not the same for all stages of growth, nor is there any one formula for what it should be at any one stage. Teachers can get into rapport through:
    •   offering warmth, protection, unspoken understanding (most essential in the younger years)
    • establishing an atmosphere of camaraderie that keeps feeling a little under the surface (important to children of the middle years)
    •   being themselves happy, positive people in whose presence it is natural to feel good about life
    • having great resources of knowledge and experience which they can transmit without exerting pressures
    •   their talents for helping children to discover the intricacies of the world around them
    •  being able to teach others how to learn for themselves, thereby establishing confidence in the child's sense of his own prowess.
    Actually, the modern educator is deeply concerned with learning. He has broadened the concept of learning so that he talks of growth as much as he talks of knowledge. But it is an error to assume that knowledge-functioning, meaningful information-and the processes by which knowledge is attained and absorbed are not essential in his system of goals and values. The good teacher needs:
    •   an organized reservoir of knowledge of the world in which he lives-its physical nature, its work processes, its social forms and problems, its historical background
    •   as much awareness of the concrete, here-and-now environment as of the sources and origins which are remote in time and space
    •  understanding of the conceptual development of children in order to judge intelligently the kind of information which children can absorb at different stages of their growth
    • to have his own information so deeply absorbed and integrated that he can draw on it imaginatively and freely without being too bound to lesson plans and courses of study
    • knowledge of the psychological nature of the learning process so that he teaches within a framework of basic principles such as:
    - children like to learn unless something interferes with their motivation
    - children learn most successfully when they are identified with their teachers as people
    - children learn best through a wealth of direct vital experience which can be supplemented in gradual doses with vicarious experience as they grow older
    •  facility in the tools of acquiring knowledge -the three R's in the early years; the skills of research, reference and organization in the later years, and in modern methods for helping children acquire these skills
    •  an approach to problem-solving that has the scientific attitude at the base, a willingness to search for evidence behind opinion, a high threshold for prejudice
    •  delight on his own adult level in clarifying confusion and an equal delight in the dawning of understanding on the part of children and in their growing ability to fathom ever more complex relationships.
    Children need teachers who have:
    • sensitivity to all the ways in which life experiences can be re-expressed by children
    •   experience with expression through the arts on their own level
    •  developed values concerning the life-problems which each growing generation rediscovers and struggles with for itself
    •  beliefs, ideals, and a quality of devotion to a way of life that is transmitted to children in the atmosphere which the teacher creates.
    The good teacher needs to bring a fine blend of strength and delicacy to her job. She needs to be person so secure within herself that she can function with principles rather than prescriptions that she can exert authority without requiring submission, that she can work experimentally but not at random, that she can admit mistakes without feeling humiliated.[2] In her role as a teacher she has to maintain an intricate system of delicate balances between:
    •   giving support, sympathy, comfort, protection, and nurturing reliance, independence, growing up
    •  clearing away confusion, being the agent of reality and remaining sensitive to the importance of phantasy in wholesome growth
    • allowing a full measure of freedom from restraint and prohibition and establishing clear limits and boundaries of acceptable behavior
    • being efficient, orderly, careful and not becoming rigid, exacting and executive
    •  being soft, understanding, yielding but not sentimental or sloppy.
    1.2 Problems in Evaluating Good Teaching
    Even though only suggestive, the characteristics of good teaching as discussed above are never found in completeness in any one good teacher. Only a paragon would embody them all and, fortunately, children thrive very well with something less than paragons for teachers.
    The deeper one probes into the problem of evaluation of teachers the more insurmountable the obstacles become. Should emphasis be placed upon the teacher's performance? If so, on what – memoes, tecnniques, attitudes, relations, evidence of scholarship? And how should these be weighted?
    Or, should emphasis be placed upon children's performance? Again, if so, on what-knowledge, skills, human relations, attitudes toward self and others? If emphasis is placed on performance, a certain immediacy is assumed: that evaluation can be made on what is happening in the classroom in the present. But, is it the present that matters after all? Isn't it results that count? If so, how long must one wait before being able to appraise the worth of, say, a year's work in the classroom?
    Growth is very slow; there are plateau periods in which the growth that is taking place is far from apparent. And yet who knows but that some of the most profound changes may be taking place in these quiescent periods? Again, if judgment is to be postponed as to the value of daily classroom teaching, where is the emphasis to be placed-upon honorable mention in the community, on happy family living, on the success in college and profession?
    Of course none of this is an either-or proposition. Combinations of these criteria must be made. But how can they be determined? Any by whom? Situations vary so greatly that it would be totally unreasonable to expect on one what might be expected of another. Needs, too, in situations vary, and good teaching that meets the needs of one situation might be totally inadequate in another. These considerations have led to certain conclusions:
    First, before any evaluation is attempted, the hypotheses on which the evaluation is being made must be clear or there will inevitably be widely divergent opinions as to the worth of the teaching. That is, there must be consideration of the kind of world that is desirable, of the kind of society that it is assumed will make for the fullest development of the individual, of what constitutes the good life, of whether reliance must be placed primarily upon force or upon the infinite potentialities of human nature.
    The second conclusion is a corollary to the first. Since values are not here regarded as absolutes, the values upon which the evaluation is to be made must be agreed upon by those to be evaluated and by those doing the evaluating. These values must be constantly re-articulated because the point of view of even the same group broadens and deepens. Unless this common base is established there can be only divergent opinions as to the worth of teaching and a feeling offrustration in all concerned. Procedure on the opposite base-the base of absolutes in traits of teachers and characteristics of the teaching function-is responsible for much of the failure of past efforts.
    Appraisal in terms of all-inclusive standards should seldom be attempted. Instead, it is concluded that appraisal should be made in terms of specifics. Once having established the point of view from which evaluation is to be made, the next step is to determine the specific goals toward which the teaching is to be directed and hence, evaluated. What these goals should be, how simple or elaborate, how few or how many will grow out of the situation and the values of the people in it. The important consideration is that the values be clear and real and that they be accepted as significant by all who must work toward their realization.
    Fourth, the setting of goals needs to be followed by decision as to how to determine when the goals are achieved. If, for example, the goal of greater participation in group discussion is set, it would mean that ways of recording the participation should be made. Or, if more freedom of expression in the use of art materials is the goal, dated samples of the children's work would be kept. Or, if speed and accuracy in arithmetic are desired, tests for measuring speed accuracy would be agreed upon. Such measures are in terms of child performance and child growth. They all presuppose continuity of evidence in terms of periodic testing, dated samples of work, dated anecdotal records.
    But what of the teacher? Is he or she to stand or fall as a teacher solely in terms of child growth and performance? Certainly it is the results in such terms that count the most. But here again we cannot divorce the act from the environment. Hence along with all evaluations there must be consideration of the situation for, without question, some situations are more conducive and some less conducive to child growth.
    Again, the measures suggested are more or less immediate. They do not seem to take into consideration what eventually happens to the child when he becomes an adult. Must this future goal be abandoned except in expensive long-term research projects?
    Most certainly not. Any school can contribute to long-time evaluation of its efforts if it will merely repeat the process suggested here and keep year after year statements of the point of view from which the evaluation was attempted, of the goals set, of the measures used to accomplish them, and the records of accomplishment.] In fact, it is not until the school assumes such responsibility that it will ever have any valid way of knowing if its accomplishments are consistent with its efforts, financial as well as intellectual and spiritual. Out of the cumulative records of years, too, will come some measure of fair evaluation with the teacher. Similarly will come the possibility of a broad evaluation of the effect of the school upon the community.
    Finally, the conclusion is reached that evaluation is just an inseparable part of the total educational process. It cannot stand alone. It cannot be performed apart from the situation. It must follow clarification of point of view and goal setting. It must have regard for the fundamental principals of democracy in that it is participated in by the governed and the governing. The process must be regarded as continuous and an essential factor in healthy growth.
    There really is no such person as the good teacher. Instead, there are many kinds of good teachers and many kinds of good teaching. They are good only in terms of the environment in which they exist.
    Values are principles, qualities, or objects that a person perceives as having intrinsic worth. Every individual has a personal hierarchy of values that may include success, wealth or monetary comfort, love/companionship, a sense of accomplishment or achievement, and of course, survival. When a teacher spends time after school to help a student, he may feel he has sacrificed his own needs to the needs of the student. At the same time, he is likely to have gained something for himself—perhaps a heightened sense of self-worth or the good feelings that come with the student's gratitude.[3]
    Beliefs support and reflect our values. For example, if Jenny believes studying harder produces better grades, she is motivated to study harder. Why? Because she also believes getting better grades is a way to achieve success. Success is something Jenny values. Through her beliefs, she has equated getting good grades with becoming successful. Is there actually a cause-effect relationship between high grades in school and success? That depends on how one defines success, but the lives of such people as Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Grandma Moses, and Thomas Edison attest to the fact that it is not always true.
    It's often easier to identify the hierarchy of a person's values by her behavior than by what she says she values. For example, Sheila says she values higher-level thinking skills. Yet her tests rarely require students to do anything more than simple recall or recognition—skills that machine-graded multiple-choice questions can easily test.
    This doesn't mean Sheila is lying. She simply has another value of which she is unaware— perhaps time to spend with her family. Taking the time to grade essay tests that assess higher-level thinking would cut into her family time. She fails to notice that she's not "walking her talk" because she believes a good teacher values higher-level thinking skills and Sheila perceives herself as a good teacher.
    1.3 Conflicted Values
    Teachers become frustrated when outside pressures force them to choose one value at the expense of another.
    Raymond believes students learn most effectively in a stimulating and varied classroom environment. In his ideal classroom, individual students are actively engaged in activities appropriate to their interests, abilities, and preferred cognitive processes. They are excited about learning. Creating that learning environment gives Raymond a tremendous sense of accomplishment (value 1). Because of his regard for individual students, his students like and respect him (value 2). Raymond's beliefs and values march hand-in-hand and he feels good about himself and his job.
    Along comes an in-service day. A well-known educational speaker gives a forty-five-minute talk embracing all of the behaviors in which Raymond already engages. Wow! An expert has validated his beliefs and values. Raymond is elated!
    At the end of the workshop, the principal makes a brief announcement. The district has selected a battery of tests that will assess student knowledge of the standards adopted by the district. The results of the tests will influence teacher evaluations. Oh, oh! Conflict of values!
    In addition to valuing a sense of accomplishment and the good will or me students, Kaymona values eating and keeping a roof over his head— survival! Raymond's focus is more on in-depth understanding than on the acquisition of testable facts. If he continues to teach in his typical way, the students may not "learn" all of the specific bits of information covered by the standards and included in the tests. Their test scores will suffer. Raymond's evaluation will go down, negatively influencing his professional future.
    On the other hand, if Raymond changes the way he's teaching, he will lose the respect of the students. Worse, according to his belief system, he will fail to provide the most effective learning environment, so his self-concept suffers. Raymond's sense of accomplishment disappears.
    At this point, whatever decision Raymond makes must deprive him of one or more of the things he values. Is it any wonder he feels conflicted—less than satisfied with whatever decision he makes?
    Teachers are often confronted with situations that threaten their sense of self-respect—an important value for most people. Many teachers have experienced similar situations that result in frustration, stress, and dissatisfaction. Understanding where these conflicts in values and beliefs lie is the first step in resolving them.[4]
    2 Education as Enculturation
    2.1 Lesson plan and teacher’s notes
    People often speak of "cultural" or "societal" values. Society and culture are constructs—not actual entities. Society is a group of individual people. The culture of a school is the set of complex relationships among the people in the school—the students, teachers, administrators, support staff, parents, and members of the school board. Each teacher within that culture has personal values, but it's difficult to avoid buying into values many others in the immediate environment possess.
    One need only read a few of the arguments for tougher standards to recognize the values that are reinforced in the minds of school personnel and ultimately, the students.
    Here is a statement from the New Jersey Mathematics Curriculum Framework: ".. .our students need to meet these standards in order for them to be well prepared for careers in the 21st century, and in order for our state and country to have suitable employees in the 21st century. " -[Author's emphasis] No mention is made of students becoming concerned, thoughtful, and involved citizens. No mention is made of the psychological and moral development of the student. Careers and employment are the values named and thus, the values taught.
    Even if a "list" of cultural values existed, each teacher would possess his or her own "take" on those values. In every action, every decision, every interaction with students, teachers are teaching values.[5] Values are part of the learned and the implicit curriculum. Shouldn't educators at least identify the more fundamental values they hold, and therefore, teach?
    Do an information gap with body parts for review. Create own activity using the New Oxford Picture
    Dictionary body parts page. Make an A and B with half of the body parts listed on each. Students work in pairs to find out correct information. Then, do a Simon Says game for practice.
    Tell students they are going to talk about different kinds of health problems and symptoms so that they can explain what is wrong with them (or family member or friend) when they call for a doctor's appointment.
    Brainstorm different kinds of problems. Put list on board: I have...., I feel...., I am ..., My ____ hurts when I _____.
    Make a list of student generated ailments and have students describe symptoms. For example, flu- fever, nauseous, chills, etc.
    Practice 1:
    Model a sample dialog.
    If possible, schedule computer lab time for students to do a guided dictation on the "Doctor's
    Appointment Site" Internet- RandaH's ESL Lab, or give students copies of guided dictation and read the dialog.
    Teacher can choose how many of these to practice.
    Practice 2 (Grammar):
    Using sample language from the dialogs, point out the verb tense used. Do a mini-lesson on present perfect and present perfect continuous- how to form, when to use.
    Practice 3:
    Using teacher made index cards with some symptoms and the duration of these symptoms, have students work in pairs to write a dialog between a receptionist and patient. Pairs practice their own dialog and then role-play in front of the class without their notes. During the role-play, the audience takes notes by writing the problem and the date of the appointment. Have students divide their paper into three parts: names, problem, time & day of appointment. They must fill in the chart and hand in to teacher when finished. Teacher also takes notes in a similar fashion and then checks students' work.
    Teacher observes spoken dialog between students doing the role-play and checks to make sure students are communicating in a proper and comprehensible fashion and are using expressions that the class has learned. Teacher collects the student-generated dialogs and reviews. Teacher collects the audience's papers, mainly to check listening comprehension and if audience was paying attention.
    2.2 Nontraditional teaching
    Traditional lecturing isn't necessarily the best way to go, according to presenters who will participate in an upcoming education conference.
    "Non-Traditional Teaching Methods" will focus on a series of techniques and models for improving the conventional type of lecture that is generally used for teaching introductory college chemistry. The online conference is all about "making the student a more active participant in the learning process," says associate professor of chemistry Gabriela C. Weaver of Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. Weaver coorganized the conference with professor of chemistry and biochemistry George M. Shalhoub of LaSalle University, Philadelphia. It will cover "alternatives to lecture or balancing lecture with activities that allow students more direct access to the learning process."
    A major disadvantage of the traditional lecture "is the inability of students to focus on a lecture for any considerable length of time-exceeding 10 minutes or so," says chemistry professor James N. Spencer of Franklin & Marshall College (F&M), Lancaster, Pa., who is presenting a paper at the conference. "In the traditional lecture, the teacher talks about 80% of the time," he says. "This makes it difficult for students to learn the material." And the conventional lecture format fails to provide students with opportunities to exchange ideas easily and develop oral communication and writing skills.
    The approach encourages process-oriented skills—such as problem solving, critical and analytical thinking, and oral and written communication—and employs guided-inquiry learning, a technique in which students work together with a facilitator to construct knowledge rather than simply having it handed to them.[6]
    In the online conference, "we're reporting results and providing literature that support the program," Spencer says. Several POGIL presentations are also included in the Division of Chemical Education program at this month's American Chemical Society national meeting in New Orleans.
    POGIL is based on the premise that students learn better when they are actively engaged, when they're encouraged to construct knowledge and draw their own conclusions by analyzing data and discussing ideas, and when they are able to work together to understand concepts and solve problems. Students work in self-managed teams. "We have a cooperative structure in the classroom, usually involving groups of four students," Spencer says. "The instructor acts as a facilitator or mentor."
    "We design activities in a variety of contexts-in the classroom, in the laboratory, on the computer—that are structured to guide students to develop an understanding of concepts on their own," says F&M chemistry professor and POGIL principal investigator Richard S. Moog.
    "We have materials prepared for general chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry that are designed for this group-learning approach," adds James Wakefield, project administrator for the POGIL program at F&M.
    A consortium of four institutions—F&M; the State University of New York, Stony Brook; Washington College, Chestertown, Md.; and Catholic University, Washington, D.C.—recently won a $1.5 million National Science Foundation grant to further develop and evaluate the POGIL program. "By and large, chemical educators are supportive of the point of view that we have taken, the materials we have developed, and the general idea that students teaching students is the most effective way for them to learn," Moog says.
    A major disadvantage of the traditional lecture "is the inability of students to focus on a lecture for any considerable length of time—exceeding 10 minutes or so.
    AT STONY BROOK, a Web-based learning and assessment system called LUCID (Learning and Understanding through Computer-Based Interactive Discovery) supports process-oriented guided-inquiry learning in several ways. LUCID uses Web technology to provide guided-inquiry activities, instant feedback on responses to questions, team-reporting features, and learning assessments.
    LUCID was developed at Stony Brook by chemistry professor David M. Hanson and instructional support specialist Troy Wolf skill.
    "Students work together in teams of four, solve problems, and answer questions," Hanson says. "They become active agents in the classroom, as opposed to having somebody just talking to them," he adds.
    The students explore Web-based lessons in a guided-inquiry mode to acquire knowledge and then go on to apply that knowledge in exercises and problems. Feedback is provided by computer and by ratings from other student teams, using a Web-based reporting system.
    At the online conference, "what we're presenting is LUCID plus an assessment component," Hanson says. "The assessments measure student learning. Students take diagnostic quizzes, document what they've learned, and get instant feedback. Faculty members can also get feedback about the status of individual students, groups of students, or entire classes."
    The assessment system is designed to measure student learning at four different levels-information, application, conceptual understanding, and problem solving. "In our experience, students in a general chemistry course are typically performing just at the information and algorithmic application level," Hanson says. "They typically memorize facts and algorithms, and they answer questions on exams by repeating things they've memorized or by doing pattern matching." LUCID helps them advance to the conceptual and problem-solving levels.
    At Stony Brook, LUCID "is working out really well," Hanson says. "Students like the workshops, and grade distributions have shifted up."
    Another Web-based learning program—Mastering Chemistry for the Web (MCWeb, http://titanium.fullerton.edu) has been developed by professor of chemistry and biochemistry Patrick A. Wegner of California State University, Fullerton. MCWeb is currently in use by about 6,000 students at several universities, community colleges, and high schools.
    Wegner, Cal State Fullerton assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry Barbara L. Gonzalez, and chemistry lecturer Ramesh D. Arasasingham of the University of California, Irvine, have been comparing such Web-based programs to traditional approaches. They have a U.S. Department of Education FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education) grant to look at how Web-delivered tools impact outcomes in first-semester general chemistry.
    WE WANTED TO KNOW particularly if the Web-delivered tools could impact students' learning outcomes for the kinds of problems that require visualization and proportional reasoning," Gonzalez says. Visualization is important for learning about atomic and molecular orbitals, for instance, and proportional reasoning is essential for most basic stoichiometry problems. "Were the Web-based tools we were using making an impact, and could we see student improvement in these areas?" In initial results, "we did see improvement compared to the control group," Gonzalez says.
    In addition to MCWeb, guided instructional activities (GIAs) are used in Cal State Fuller-ton's general chemistry program. GIAs are small-group lessons that use chemical data to help students learn problem-solving processes and skills that are often challenging for first-year chemistry students.
    In their assessments, the researchers saw improvements for students who used both MCWeb and GIAs, compared with those who used neither. However, they have not yet been able to tease out the relative instructional benefits of the two learning tools.
    Another program for encouraging greater student participation in the learning process has been developed at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, by chemistry professor F. Geoffrey Herring. Herring has adopted a concept known as just-in-time teaching in an effort to increase student participation in a large lecture hall chemistry session with over 200 students. Just-in-time teaching refers to the ability of a teacher to adjust his or her lecture to student needs—as expressed in a Web-based test students take before class on material from a reading assignment.
    "Students read material before they come to class, they answer a few conceptual questions on the Web, and they answer an important question about what they found to be difficult or interesting about the assignment," Herring explains. Based on student responses to the preassigned material, "I adjust my lecture to reflect any problems I perceive students to be having."
    To avoid student passivity during lectures, Herring uses a technique called interactive engagement, "where I pose a question in class based on material they've read," he explains. "Students then answer that question by voting-either using numbered flash cards or an electronic personal response system, both of which work quite well. I can gauge how the students are doing based on these responses."
    DURING LECTURES, Herring also uses a wireless mouse that enables him to write on a screen and control his slides remotely. This enables him to roam around the lecture hall, talk to students directly, and ask them questions informally.
    When Herring analyzed his class's exam grades, there was a distinct improvement relative 10 other sections that use the traditional lecture system. This improvement was primarily "in the middle cohort of students," Herring notes. "For the top students, you hardly even have to turn up to lecture."
    Many students only remember about the first 10% of a 50-minute lecture "because they drift off," Herring says. "We're all like that. With these interactive engagements, you're continually waking students up, if you like, and getting them involved in the material again."
    He concedes that some of his more traditional colleagues would refer to this as spoon-feeding, "but I really disagree with that," he says. With interactive engagement, 'Tm getting students to be more motivated and more involved than they would otherwise be. And I'm using the time that would traditionally be used by lecturing to pose questions and get students to understand chemistry better."
    Teaching and learning styles are the behaviors or actions that teachers and learners exhibit in the learning exchange. Teaching behaviors reflect the beliefs and values that teachers hold about the learner's role in the exchange. Learners' behaviors provide insight into the ways learners perceive, interact with, and respond to the environment in which learning occurs.[7]
    2.3 Can an Individual's Approach to Learning Be Modified?
    Because learning is an ongoing process, occurring over the span of one's lifetime and delivered by a variety of instructors with a variety of teaching styles in a variety of situations, learners need to be able to adjust their cognitive styles. They need to become better all-around learners by "investing extra effort in underdeveloped or underutilized styles". Pithers reports on studies by Rush and Moore that explore the feasibility of promoting learner adaptability through training. These researchers discovered that students whose cognitive styles were more field dependent were able to change the strength of their style through training, which suggests that cognitive style may be a flexible construct and malleable over the long term. These views were also noted by Hayes and Allinson, who contend that "exposing learners to learning activities that are mismatched with their preferred learning style will help them develop the learning competencies necessary to cope with situations involving a range of different learning requirements".
    2.4 Can a Teacher's Approach to Teaching Be Modified?
    "How educators select their teaching strategies and implement techniques is a function of their beliefs and values regarding the methods and can be modified to fit within the unique belief system of the educator. The manner in which any method, whether lecture or game, discovery-based learning or discussion is used within a learning event is the choice of the educator and should be a reflection of his or her philosophy". Thus, before teachers can attempt to develop more flexible teaching styles, they must be receptive to the idea of change, beginning with a change in their beliefs about the students' role in the learning environment.
    Being student centered engages teachers in a humanistic approach to education in which they function as facilitators of learning. Teachers who desire to be more students centered must be aware of the kinds of learning experiences that students most value, as these may differ depending on the learners' particular stages of development, age, and gender. In studying a group of international students in a business administration program, Ladd and Ruby found that of primary interest to students was establishing warm personal relationships with their instructors. Their preferred style of learning was to have direct contact with materials, topics, or situations being studied. Knowing this type of information can help instructors develop course structures that provide a better fit between instructional goals and students' learning style preferences.
    Pratt presents five perspectives on teaching and urges teachers to use these perspectives to identify, articulate, and justify their teaching approaches rather than simply adopting one practice or another.
    •   Transmission: Teachers focus on content and determine what students should learn and how they should learn it. Feedback is directed to students' errors.
    •   Developmental: Teachers value students' prior knowledge and direct student learning to the development of increasingly complex ways of reasoning and problem solving.
    •   Apprenticeship: Teachers provide students with authentic tasks in real work settings.
    •   Nurturing: Teachers focus on the interpersonal elements of student learning-listening, getting to know students, and responding to students' emotional and intellectual needs.
    •   Social Reform: Teachers tend to relate ideas explicitly to the lives of the students.
    "Most teachers have only one or two perspectives as their dominant view of teaching... [however] similar actions, intentions, and even beliefs can be found in more than one perspective". Proficient student-centered teachers are able to use a variety of styles so that their ultimate style is integrated.[8]
    3 Active learning activities at school
    3.1 Promoting Active learning
    Are most students in physics courses acquiring a sound conceptual grasp of basic physics principles? Extensive studies of students' basic conceptual knowledge before and after introductory college physics courses have convinced some in the larger community of physics teachers that they are not. The results of these studies show that students in selective universities, whether they be science majors or not, fail to use the same physical models as physicists when they answer the simplest conceptual questions. These same students are able to solve many traditional problems involving the solution of algebraic equations or even those requiring the methods of the calculus. Even so, they enter and leave the courses with basic misunderstandings about the physical world essentially intact. The ineffectiveness of these learning experiences seems to be independent of the apparent skill of the teacher, or whether students have taken physics courses in secondary school.
    Although a Newtonian framework is essential to understanding non-relativistic motion, it is common for more than 80% of students to answer most questions from a non-Newtonian point of view after an introductory physics course. Such students may believe, for example, that a net force is required to keep an object in motion at a constant velocity, that there is a residual force (impetus) on an object that has been pushed and released that keeps it moving, and that acceleration must increase as velocity increases. In contrast, those using a conceptual framework based on Newton's laws of motion understand that a body moving at constant velocity requires no net force to keep it moving and so no residual forces are required. They also understand that a constant linear acceleration produces a uniformly increasing velocity. Research has shown that traditional instruction commonly changes the conceptual point of view of only 5% to 15% of the students.[9]
    Appendix 1 shows the results of composite research data for thousands of students at US universities who took the Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation-. Such results do not only apply to the US. For example, our research at The University of Sydney in Australia shows that entering students are better prepared than many students in the US, and more believe the Newtonian model before university instruction. However, good traditional university instruction again results in only an additional 10% of students adopting the Newtonian model for force and motion.
    What is needed to change the state of physics education is agreement on a set of underlying principles about the teaching and learning of physics that will support the integration of the work of many different groups into a coherent educational response based on careful research.
    Eleven physics education researchers from the US were assembled at Tufts University in 1992 to examine student learning in physics-. The researchers came to agreement on the following generalizations about student learning in physics and the inadequacies of traditional instruction:
    - Facility in solving standard quantitative problems is not an adequate criterion for functional understanding.
    - A coherent conceptual framework is not typically an outcome of traditional instruction. Rote use of formulas is common.
    - Certain conceptual difficulties are not overcome by traditional instruction.
    - Growth in reasoning ability does not usually result from traditional instruction.
    - Connections among concepts, formal representations (algebraic, diagrammatic, graphical), and the real world are often lacking after traditional instruction.
    - Teaching by telling is an ineffective mode of instruction for most students.
    Each generalization is supported by research from different sources using different techniques. These include, for example, the results from student interviews by the Physics Education Group at the University of Washington-, eliciting detailed accounts of understanding; the analysis carried out at the Center for Science and Mathematics Teaching at Tufts University on responses from thousands of students at many different institutions to research-based multiple choice and short answer questions that are part of the Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation and the results on benchmark conceptual examinations designed by David Hestenes and his colleagues at Arizona State University-. It is difficult for physicists who look at the accumulating evidence to find justifications for continuing to teach in a traditional manner (Appendix 2).
    Most physics education researchers believe that students must be intellectually engaged and actively involved in their learning, and that traditional instruction is failing to provide this engagement. However, which methods of teaching and what learning contexts will help students learn most effectively? Can educational technology improve physics learning? Under what conditions does collaborative learning work well? What role should experimentation play in student learning?
    Consider a simple activity that is included in three of the activity-based, computer-assisted, guided-inquiry curricula developed by members of the Activity-Based Physics group- -Workshop Physics, RealTime Physics Mechanics-, and Tools for Scientific Thinking Motion and Force-. At the beginning of their study of motion, students first explore position, velocity and acceleration concepts using real-time graphs of body motions produced by walking in front of a "motion detector". They generally work in groups of three, are required to make predictions of experimental outcomes, and are encouraged to discuss with other group members the graphs resulting from their movements. Students answer simple conceptual questions as they work that have them describe motion verbally, in standard written language, graphically, quantitatively, and in vector representations.
    What effective practices for teaching physics does this example embody? In terms of general course structures we have found student learning is improved when we:
    - use peer instruction and collaborative work;
    - keep students actively involved by using activity-based guided-inquiry curricular
    - use a learning cycle beginning with predictions;
    - emphasize conceptual understanding;
    - let the physical world be the authority;
    - evaluate student understanding;
    - make appropriate use of technology - in this case graphs (an abstraction) are linked to
    actual physical motion, and also linked to the kinesthetic; and
    - begin with the specific and move to the general.
    Small interactive groups working with computer-assisted data gathering are certainly not possible in all learning contexts. We have developed a method to change a classroom or a lecture hall with a single computer into a more active learning environment. (Appendix 3). The (computer-supported) Interactive Lecture Demonstrations consist of a sequence of simple experiments (6 to 8 per session) based on research of the conceptual foundation needed to learn a particular topic area in physics. The computer is equipped with data logging software, an interface and appropriate MBL (microcomputer-based laboratory) probes. For force and motion, we might use a force probe and a motion detector with low-friction carts to explore the result of various forces on the carts' motion. To examine the interaction forces in a collision between two objects, we would use two force probes. Figure 3 shows such an arrangement. An experiment in which one cart is much heavier than another is part of the Newton's Third Law Interactive Lecture Demonstration sequence. The actual results from such a collision are shown in Appendix 4.
    In an Interactive Lecture Demonstration session students are given a "prediction sheet" with space to write their individual predictions. The sheet is collected to encourage participation. They are also given an essentially identical "results sheet" which they may fill out with the actual experimental results and keep. For each simple experiment or demonstration in the sequence, we use the following protocol.
    1. Describe the demonstration and do it for the class without MBL measurements.
    2. Ask students to record individual predictions.
    3. Have the class engage in small group discussions with nearest neighbors.
    4. Ask each student to record final prediction on handout sheet (which will be collected).
    5. Elicit predictions and reasoning from students.
    6. Carry out the demonstration with MBL measurements displayed.
    7. Ask a few students to describe the result. Then discuss results in the context of the demonstration. Ask students to fill out "results sheet" which they keep.
    8. Discuss analogous physical situations with different "surface" features. (That is, a different physical situation that is based on the same concept.)
    These methods embody many of the same successful teaching and learning practices described above.
    3.2 Role plays in the classroom
    Sometimes you might not react very negatively to your own failures, but you never know how other people in your life will react to your failures. Pair students off to take part in this role-play:
    •   Person A: You were expecting a big job promotion complete with salary raise and added prestige. You found out today that you were passed over. Your wife/husband was counting on you getting thus promotion and now you have to go home and break the unhappy news.[10]
    •   Person B: You are the expectant spouse. You have been planning ways all month on how to spend the extra income. Already your spending habits this month have reflected your certainty that your spouse would get this promotion. You are really shocked to hear what your spouse has to say.
    It is not enough merely to provide students with opportunities to speak in English, as teachers we need to encourage students to speak in a variety of different situations, and hence help them to learn to speak with confidence.
    The ideal would be to travel to different locations and carry out different tasks, the next best thing however is to enact those situations in a classroom.
    However, many teachers and students in an ESL class dread the words "role-play". Even though there is little consensus on the terms used in role-playing literature. Just a few of the terms which are used, often interchangeably, are "simulation," "game," "role-play," "simulation-game," "role-play simulation," and "role-playing game".
    The effective use of role-plays can add variety to the kinds of activities students are asked to perform. It encourages thinking and creativity; lets students develop and practice new language and behavioural skills in a relatively safe setting, and can create the motivation and involvement necessary for real learning to occur.
    Unlike skits, role plays shouldn't be scripted out in detail, instead you should give the student a general scenario with different elements and suggested ideas for complications to occur.
    Role play cards can be a very useful tool here. For example:-
    Student A
    You are booking into a hotel.
    Book in to the hotel - you have a reservation.
    You are on your own.
    You want a shower.
    You want breakfast in the morning.
    You have an early meeting and must not be late.
    Student B
    You are a hotel receptionist.
    Welcome the guest. Find them a room.
    You can't find their reservation.
    You only have a double room with bath available.
    Before asking them to perform a role play you should prepare the students by asking questions. The questions should incorporate the major parts of the role play and the vocabulary/idioms involved. After the question answer session the students should be comfortable with what they need to do.
    Allow them a few minutes to study the role cards and work out some key sentences. Give help where needed.
    Each role play should be performed at least twice with the students changing roles.[11] In group situations have the stronger students act out the role play to the whole class.
    You as the teacher can take one of the roles if you need to.
    Avoid making corrections until the role play is finished.
    Recording or videoing role plays can be a very useful tool for giving feedback, but only if the students are comfortable with this.
    In my conclusion I’d like to say that research has shown the uniqueness of different teaching and learning styles and identified the characteristics associated with each style. Although there are benefits to the matching of teaching style and learning style, it appears that this alone does not guarantee greater learner achievement. Age, educational level, and motivation influence each student's learning so that what was once preferred may no longer be the student's current preferred learning style.
    Teachers need to examine their belief structure regarding education and engage in an "ongoing process of diagnosis, with self and with learners, including observation, questioning, obtaining evaluative feedback, and critical reflection".  "Each teacher is unique and can use his or her style to be as effective an educator as possible".  Graded material with scope and sequence for 180 days x 12 years
    • Teacher's manuals, tests, record keeping materials available- Textbook: Lesson in book, assignment and tests on paper
    • Workbook: Lesson given by teacher, assignment and tests in workbook- Worktext: Lesson, assignment and tests in workbook. Including mini tests or checkpoints to ensure mastery in each section before the student moves on to the next section.
    In my opinion, in summary, there is considerable evidence collected by researchers in physics teaching and learning that traditional instructional methods - largely lecture and problem solving - are not effective in promoting conceptual learning in physics. There is also widespread evidence that active learning methods, some of which were described here, work well in many different environments.
    There is enough agreement among careful researchers that the physics teaching community would do well to use curricula and methods based on practices that have actually been demonstrated to enhance student learning. It is prudent to examine in a scientific way the learning results of these new methods in specific learning contexts. Initial results show that activity-based, computer-supported, interactive learning environments well serve the diversity of students studying physics.
    1. Ager, D.E., Clavering, E., and Galleymore, J. 1998. “Teaching process”.
    2. Allwright, R.L. 1999. 'Abdication and responsibility in language teaching', Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 2: 105-21.
    3. Allwright, R.L. 1999. 'Perceiving and pursuing learners' needs' in Geddes and Sturtridge, pp. 24-31.
    4. Altman, H.B., and James, C.V. 1997. “Foreign Language Teaching”. Pergamon Press.
    5. Altman, H.B., and Politzer, R.L. 1997. Individualizing Foreign Language In­struction. Final Report. US Department of Health Education and Welfare, ERIC Documents ED 051 722.
    6. Bachman, J.G. 1997. 'Motivation in a task situation as a function of ability and control over the task', Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69:272-81.
    7. Bartley, D.E. 1999. “Role playing”. Collier Macmillan.
    8. Beswick, N.W. 1972. Schools Council Working Paper 43. Evans/Methuen Edu­cational.
    9. Beswick, N.W. 1975. Organising Resources: Six Case Studies. The Final Report of the Schools Council Resource Centre Project. Heinemann Educational Books.
    10. Blake, T. 1982. 'Storage and retrieval systems for self-access centres' in Geddes and Sturtridge.
    11. Blundell, L., and Stokes, J. 1981. Task Listening. Cambridge University Press.
    12. Bockman, J.F. 1971. The process of contracting' in Altman and Politzer, pp. 119-22.
    13. Bockman, J.F., and Bockman V.M. 1972. 'The management of individualized programmes' in Gougher.
    14. Boud, D. (ed.) 1981. Developing Student Autonomy in Learning. Kogan Page.
    15. The British Council 1978. Individualisation in Language Learning, ELT Docu­ments, 103.
    16. The British Council (Pickett, G.D.) 1978. The Foreign Language Learning Pro­cess, ETIC Occasional Paper.
    17. Brown, H.D. 1973. 'Affective variables in second language acquisition', Lan­guage Learning, 23: 231-44.
    18. Brown, S. 1980. 'Self-access at Saffron Walden', Appendix 1 in Sturtridge and Bolitho.
    19. Carroll, E.R., McLennan, R., Boyd-Bowman, P., and Gougher, R.L.  1971. 'Report and recommendations of the committee on adapting existing mater­ials to individualized instruction' in Altman and Politzer.
    Appendix 1
    Composite assessment of US student understanding of kinematics (labeled Velocity and Acceleration concepts) and dynamics, as described by Newton's Laws (labeled Force concepts), using the Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation. Dark bars show student understanding coming into beginning university courses, striped bars are after all traditional instruction. While the percentage of students who know concepts coming in can vary with the selectivity of the university, the effect of traditional instruction is to change the minds of only 5% to 15% of students. New methods described later in this paper result in up to 90% of students understanding concepts (lighter solid bars).
    Appendix 2
    Student walking in front of an ultrasonic motion detector while his position is being graphed as he moves. The context and importance of this simple activity is described in the text.
    Appendix 3
    Arrangement for one of the experiments in Newton's Third Law Interactive
    Lecture Demonstration sequence. The force probes measure the interaction forces between the carts. An actual result of such an experiment is shown in Appendix 4.
    Appendix 4
    Actual result for one of the experiments in Newton's Third Law Interactive
    Lecture Demonstration sequence shown in Appendix 3. In this case, cart 1 is three times heavier than cart 2 but just as Newton would predict, the interaction forces are equal and opposite.
    [1] Ager, D.E., Clavering, E., and Galleymore, J. 1998. “Teaching process”. (p.20)
    [2] Ager, D.E., Clavering, E., and Galleymore, J. 1998. “Teaching process”. (p.28)
    [3] Ager, D.E., Clavering, E., and Galleymore, J. 1998. “Teaching process”. (p.37)
    [4] Ager, D.E., Clavering, E., and Galleymore, J. 1998. “Teaching process”. (p.47)
    [5] Altman, H.B., and James, C.V. 1997. “Foreign Language Teaching”. Pergamon Press (p.78)
    [6] Altman, H.B., and James, C.V. 1997. “Foreign Language Teaching”. Pergamon Press (p.84)
    [7] Altman, H.B., and James, C.V. 1997. “Foreign Language Teaching”. Pergamon Press (p.93)
    [8] Altman, H.B., and James, C.V. 1997. “Foreign Language Teaching”. Pergamon Press (p.97)
    [9] Bartley, D.E. 1999. “Role playing”. Collier Macmillan (p.10)
    [10] Bartley, D.E. 1999. “Role playing”. Collier Macmillan (p.16)
    [11] Bartley, D.E. 1999. “Role playing”. Collier Macmillan (p.20)
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