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Тема: Accounting as a system of production control

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    Theoretical base of accounting and management accounting of budgeting

    a) Accounting as a system of production control.

    b)   Inner and outer systems of accounting.

    c) Main questions of accounting control on the enterprise management.

    d)   Main questions of management control on the enterprise.

    e) Principles and logic of accounting building.

    Budget development and budgeting of the enterprise.

    a) Budgets and budget process.

    b)   System of management with the help of budgeting on the enterprise.

    c) Advantages of budgeting.

    Practical methods of accounting optimization in the process of budgeting on the example of “German Technical Cooperation GTC” enterprise.

    a) About GTC organization: tasks and goals.

    b)   Key moments of finance politics of GTC.

    c) Accounting building in GTC organization.

    d)   Budget development and process of planning.


              Budget control on the enterprise is the base for its functioning. By means of accounting we make management and control of business processes and operations, running on the enterprise. Often from the quality of information, received from the accounting system, from its fullness and reliability, depends possibilities of  income order, taking right decisions of control, choosing of clients, suppliers, finding partners of business development and many others.

              Wide circle of faces use finance and quantity information of accounting. Consequently, only  accounting is the base for taking management decisions, as inside of organization, so as outside of it. Accounting provides necessary information for realization of three basic functions: planning, control and appraisal.

    1. Planning –the process of development of action order. Planning includes goal set and also find  the ways of the best alternative.

    2. Control – following process of plans implementation. In other words, to determine how actions correspond with plans.

    3.Appraisal –process of study of the whole system of decisions making. All that have goal to better it, on this stage it is important to understand whether the set goal was achieved, if not then find out what caused  next reasons: lack of planning or control, or the goal was itself wrong.

    Together with main functions, accounting on the enterprise, function of back connection and analytical function are also made.

           Function of back connection is very important, as without it is impossible the function of management system. System accounting provides workers of management with real data about activity of the enterprise and its division for definite period. On the base of this information, managers and administrators make control over plan indicator, standards, norms and balance realisation, and follow economic use of all kinds of resources and also define different shortages, bring out reserves of production and level of its usage. System of accounting provides management of back connection of any level.

            Realization of similar function allows making analysis in all sections of accounting, including effective use of resources distribution of all expenditures on production and selling of goods. And also correct use of prices that plays great role in the conditions of market prices or inflation processes.

           When we analyze finance information of the enterprise, special role play computer techniques and different sorts of calculation machines. Modern computer technique allows to control all quick input of current data to the system of accounting, and comparing these data of standards, norms, plans and estimates. Specially worked out computer programs allow effectively, put actual data into groups and make their systematic analysis to bring out deviations.

            System of accounting, relying on the above said, is more important when controlling informational system of any organization. System of accounting plays main role, when we control flow of economic data and their direction to all subdivisions of firm, and also interested people out the firm. Accounting –is a finance which controls informational system, gives users full picture of economic activity on the enterprise and create apparatus of control.

    Inner and outer systems of accounting.

    When building effective system of accounting, necessary to mark out two spheres of the enterprise activity: inner and outer.

    Outer system of accounting includes such factors as active legislation, written norms and rules of accounting control, process of finance information to provide it to public ( such as accounting

    balance, reports on income, losses and money means). Outer system of accounting of enterprise activity  reflects finance relationship of enterprise and its surrounding.

    Inner system of accounting –determines how effective work is in that organization. In general state the structure of enterprise can include existing business processes and operations on the enterprise, resources used in the process of work and so on. On the base of inner accounting, we make analysis and transmit information to management personnel (administrators), necessary for enterprise of management decisions. It is necessary to note that information of inner accounting is not often given away by organization.

    Traditionally inner and outer systems of accounting on the enterprise are made separately.  Accounting (finance) is called to reflect common finance information and aimed to satisfy public and society interests of economy information at organization. Data of finance control of accounting don’t make any commercial secret as they reflect general indicator of the company activity.

    The aim of management accounting is to give information to narrow circle of users, directly to members of that organization, i.e. managers, owners, administrators of departments with the aim to allow enterprise to use this information, and take reasonable and made in time management decisions. Data of management accounting is a commercial secret and not used for publication, i.e. almost unapproachable to society.

    In spite of the different goals, at present time,  the first is  tendency of inner and outer integration of accounting with common system. Harmonization of inner and outer systems of accounting happens mainly on the reason of bigger orientation on international rules of accounting control, strengthening of markets goods and services globalization and also enterprise activity, formed for reasons of economy effect.

    Merging of inner and outer systems of accounting includes maximum identity of reports’ periods, of price indicators and goal means. As outer system of accounting legally normalized, then in most cases, we face difficulty in adaptation of inner systems of accounting with outer one. Full harmonization of accountings on the enterprise can be achieved, if we form  common bank of data, made by transition from usual double circle system (finance and management accounting make two separate exclusive circles of accounting) to one circle system, where one single accounting and one bank of data exist, used for different goals differently.

    Main advantage of inner and outer harmonization of accounting system is single explanation of finance results indicators as inside of the enterprise so as outside of it. Information from common bank of data can give more understandable and real appraisal to economy cost of enterprise. More over on the expense of unification of accounting system, some processes on collection and information processing can become excess and increase effectiveness.

    Harmonization of accounting systems mainly seen in the west practice and closely connected with the development and implementation of current technologies into enterprise. specification of produced goods and services play special role in merging of accounts. In local practice, we often use traditional way in accounting control of the enterprise, i.e. goes division on outer and inner systems (accounting and management accounting).

    Goals and tasks of accounting on the enterprise.

    Accounting is an orderly made system of collection, registration and information generalization, and using solid, stable and documented calculation of all economic operations, special economic subjects (organization, enterprise) are expressed in money terms. The objects of accounting include mainly property of organizations, their responsibilities and economic operations, made by organizations in the process of their activity.

    The process of collecting information of economic activity of organization is contained in determination, classification, appraisal and measure of economic operations. And also other important economic events reflected in the accounting system.

    By registration we understand orderly build and consecutively reflected economic operations and other economically important events in first documents and accounting registers.

    Generalization of information is the analysis itself, preparation and interpretation of information. In the process of information analysis we can determine information development, provided to users, circle of users, interconnection of different indicators of organization activity, dependence of indicators from economically important events and situations. Information about accounting  is provided to users as reports with tables, graphics and in text format.

    Coming from determination of accounting, principles of accounting control on the enterprise are next:

    ·   Solid reflection of finance and economic activity of  enterprise, i.e. reflection of all volume of enterprise property, all kinds of production reserves, main funds, expenditures on production and sell of products, and realization of money means, debts as to enterprise so as to other organizations (enterprises);

    ·   Regularity during reflection of the present economic factors. It is supposed that we make constant watch and reflect economic operations, connected with flow of main funds, production reserves, money means, securities, calculations, credits;

    ·   Legalization of any economic fact in documents, i.e. using legally concerned, first paper documents or machine documents. It is necessary, according to legalized document, set responsibility to economic operation;

    ·   Reflection of all economic processes in money terms;

    ·   Presence of interconnection between finance and economic activity limited by mutually dependent  facts under process.

            The goal of accounting –is presence of full and true information, about finance state of organization made in time with the help of reports for wide circle of faces, who make decisions on different goals, spheres and organization activity. The main task of accounting is registration and processing of economic data such way so that they become useful information for inner and outer indirect users.

            Under inner and outer users of finance information we understand users with direct finance interest, i.e. managers of organization, owners and administrators and also investors and creditors. As an indirect user we understand group of users, who show indirect interest to finance information of organization, i.e. this can be representatives of tax services, finance consultants and so on.  Table 1. shows who the main is, of the accounting information about economic activity of enterprise.


    Table 1. Classification of users of accounting information.

              To first group, as seen from the table1, we relate owners, co-owners, board of directors, high management personal, managers, heads and other users, some of them should know real finance situation of the enterprise for effective solving of further problems and make new plans for future. Successfully working managers often make decisions on the base of accounting data or their analysis. That’s why administration is one of the main user of accounting information.

              To second group we relate users with direct finance interest, i.e. investors and creditors. Investors of finance reports of general purpose make themselves conclusions about finance perspectives of the enterprise in future, and also about whether it worth to invest money to enterprise. Creditors make conclusion about creditability of the enterprise, i.e. whether this enterprise has money to pay out interests and make debt return on given credits.

              To third group we relate indirect users or with indirect finance interest, this group includes tax organs, finance consultants, state institutions, publicity, other organization and interested faces. With the help of accounting reports, they can satisfy different needs in information, which allows them appreciate, for example, ability of organization to pay out dividends.

              As it’s seen in the table, every group of users has its own interests. Appointment of accounting report is to create maximum possible level to smooth contradictions between interests of different users and develop common effective activity of enterprise.

              Accounting information is necessary for planning, control and appraisal of organization activity and its structure of subdivisions. On the base of accounting data, we make accounting system, analytical function and back connection. Consequently organization’s attention in future will be devoted to development of accounting, as the success of organization fully depends on accounting .

    Tasks and goals of management accounting of enterprise.

              Management accounting is a subsystem of accounting. The main feature, connecting these two kinds of accounting, is information used for taking decision. Data of finance accounting help outer users take substantial decisions for oraganisations (f.ex. should invest company). Data of management accounting used by inner users of finance information to decide wide circle of problems of management.

              It can be said that finance and management accounting is in one informational field and their interconnection can be different (picture 2).



    Picture 2. Interconnection of management and finance accounting.

    Connection between management and finance accounting can be next:

    ·   Management and finance accounting is fully depend on each other, this is seldom met in modern practice (variant 1).

    ·   Part of the data in management and finance accounting coincide, although these are different systems (variant 2).

    ·   Management and finance accounting is a complex system, including finance accounting (variant 3).

    Though principle of management effectiveness predetermined the necessity to mark it from the accounting system. Gradually on the enterprises two accounting are formed:  management and finance, every with own goals, tasks and functions.

            Management accounting is a collection, interpretation and analysis of finance information about organization activity for exact needs of management (production improvements, decrease of expenditures and so on).

             The main goal of management accounting is to provide heads and specialists of organization and structural subdivisions with real and predictable information about organization activity. This can give opportunity to make substantial management decisions.

              Main users of information of management accounting are top management of organization, heads of structural subdivisions and specialists.

              Top management form strategic goals of organization control. To achieve this goals top management receive:

    ·   Integrated management reports on production results, finance and investment activity of organization and its main structural subdivisions for previous report period and concrete period.

    ·   Materials’ analysis of the influence on inner and outer factor on the results of organization activity and its main structural subdivisions.

    ·   Targets and predicted indicators for further period.

    Heads of structural subdivisions form operative strategy for realization of long term goals of organization development. They receive management reports on subdivisions’ activities at the concrete moment, results of their analytical processing, plan and forecast information on subdivisions and also information on co-operating subdivisions and contractors.

    Specialists receive information about organization’s activity and structural subdivisions in the framework of their competence, and also forecasts of inner and outer factors, which influence on the results of economic activity.

    On the base of the above said, main tasks of management accounting are:

    ·   Accounting and flow of materials, finance and labor resources and provide information to managers;

    ·   Accounting of expenditures, income and deviations, according to them, from set norms, standards and estimates of organization, we develop structural subdivisions, centers of responsibilities, group of goods, technological decisions and  other positions;

    ·    Calculation of different indicators of prime cost of production (services, work) and their deviations from norms and plan indicators (full production, prime cost of sold production and so on );

    ·   control and analysis of finance and economic organization’s activity, its structural subdivisions and other centers of responsibilities;

    ·   planning of finance and economic organization’s activity as a hole, its structural subdivisions and other centers of responsibilities;

    ·   forecasting and appraisal of forecast (provide conclusion on influence of expected in future events on the base of analysis of recent events and their quantity appraisal of goals for planning);

    ·   make up management accounting and give it to management personnel and specialists to control production and make decisions for further perspectives.

    As seen from the above list of tasks, to provide management accounting, mainly determined by aims of management, and consequently can be changed by decision of administration, depends on strictly planned strategy of company. But signs characterizing management accounting as common information and control system of enterprise, stay unchangeable, these are constant, aim set, full information providing and making influence on objects of management by changing outer and inner conditions.

    In the framework of market economy control of management accounting provides objective necessity. As every commercial organization choose itself the flow of development, kinds of produced goods, volume of production, policy of goods sell, then appear the need to store information in all these parameters and receive necessary calculation data. Control of management accounting is one of the main conditions, allowing leadership of organization make correct management decisions connected with all concerned and finance parameters.    

    Principle and logic of accounting development in organization.

    Logic of accounting control on the enterprise dictate following steps:

    1. Formulate accounting determinations and their coordination with production specifics. At that step specialists of the enterprise must themselves or with the help of consultants look again all interpretations of accounting requests, including relationship to property, to capital, to finance operations and others. Enterprise specifics, as a rule, leads to big divergences of determinations.

    2. To make necessary classifications (asserts and liabilities, operations and others) is very important to formulate criteria, laying at the base of every classification.

    3. Development of accounting principles, specific for every position. At that step the choice of reflection method is given, i.e. what happen with property and operations and others.

    4. The last step is descriptions of order of documents of different operations, and also principles of accounts’ and sub-accounts’ coding. This is made to show that marked on the previous steps criteria and principles were reflected in the right way. Accounts’ and sub-accounts’ coding must take into consideration finance and budget structure of enterprise, providing such way  forecasted and planned sizes, and also receiving fully correlated data of analysis making and budget correction.

    Exist two main principles of economic operation:

    ·   Income and expenditures

    ·   Development of accounts.

         The essence of the first principle “Income and expenditures” includes next: economic operations (groups of operations) distributed to terms, which are grouped into budgets depending on reflected area of activity.

    Termes are divided to two types:

    ·   Income –show income, earnings of money means or earnings of none money asserts.

    ·   Expenditure –show expenditures, pay out of money means or put out  none money asserts.

          Every economic operation causes sum increase, according to set article or several terms. Unlike correspondence of accounts building, where every building is reflected on two and only two accounts on the debit of one and credit of other, it can cause sum change to one, two or more terms.

          Money terms turnover for the period are calculated easily –by way of summarizing, and the results are formed as a difference between “opposite” terms. So income (expenditures) –is a difference between income and expenditures terms, correspondingly on necessary for analysis - level of purification of finance result, and clean money flow is calculated as a balance of income and pay outs for period.

          The great dignity of this principle is that it is intuitively understood.    Its clearness is caused by easy seen move of resources: goods –material values, money means and other operations. Serious

    shortages of that principle caused by, things during income and expenditure registration of sources where financing of money defects are not reflected.

          The essence of the second principle of reflection –building on accounts –similar to reflection of economic operations in accounting books, exactly:

    ·   Exist plan of accounts;

    ·   Every account is active and passive and has two sides: debit and credit;

    ·   Every economic operation reflected by two accounts: debit of one and credit of other

    ·   Results (Balance, reserves) are calculated as balance on the beginning of period plus sum turn over on credits or debits.

    The difference between accounting registration and management from the point of structure is in the development of accounts and analytics on them.

    So management account, which is seen as modification of accounting, saves all dignities and gets new ones, caused by more strict definitions of reflected phenomena, and careful choose of accounts, and also special technology of this choice, which allows to reflect specifics of economy activity, organisation and management of this enterprise.  Complicated control of accounts on the principle of building is compensated by possibility to organize management accounting on the base of already existing accounting system, without second input of information.


    Budget and budget process

    One of the main tasks of accounting is in advanced prepared  finance documents for enterprise control and taking management decisions. In the process of planning on the base of the accounting information distinct goals and tasks are set, for managers and organization’s subdivisions for definite period.

    Planning is one of the important tool, as it provides effective functioning of the enterprise. Planning is necessary to overcome uncertainty and risks of future and also make substantial input of coordination of processes on the enterprise. View of main functions of planning is shown bellow (picture 3).


    Picture 3. Functions of planning.

    In the short-run, market’s distinct  budgeting is a base of planning –the important function of management. All system of planning is formed on the base of budgeting, as all expenditures and results must have strict financial, and better money term. If business planning itself is necessary for clear understanding where, when and for whom enterprise will produce and sell goods, or provide services, which resources and what volume will be necessary for that, then budgeting is a base of planning –it is a maximum expression of all coming results and resources in finance terminology.

    In all system of planning budgeting is aimed on goals development, i.e. for goal sets of enterprise, expressed in money terms. The task of accounting in the process of planning and budgeting consists of preparation of finance information beforehand to make effective decisions.

              Process of budgeting is based on formation, updating and appraisal of finance plans (budgets) implementation. Budgets include all sides of organization’s activity, and allow managers to compare all expenditures and received results in finance terminologies for further period as a whole and its separate parts.

              There are existing many kinds of budgets, depending on structure and size of organization, dividing of authorities, peculiarities of activity and so on. We must attach to two main, “ideologically” different types of budget, budgets built on the principle “from down to up and from down to up”.

              The first variant covers collection of budget information from executors to top management of low level and then to head of the company. Using this way we spend much time and strength as a rule on comparison of budgets of separate structural units. Besides, often given “down” results are strongly changed by heads in the process of budget approval, but in the case of wrong decision can cause negative reaction of executors.

              Second way requires from the head of the company, clear understanding of main peculiarities of organization and possibility to form a real forecast of period under review. Budgeting “from up to down” provides coordination of budgets of separate subdivisions and allows to give control results of sells, expenditures for appraisal of effective wor of centers of responsibility.

    As a whole, budgeting “from up to down” is considered preferable, though on practice, we use mixed variants, containing features of both variants.

    There are some variants of budget classification:

    ·   Long term budgets –are made for longer period of time.

    ·   Short term budgets –are calculated for short period.

    ·    item-by-item budgets – include strict limitation of sum on every separate expense item without giving possibility to transfer it to other item.

    ·   budgets with temporal period – are specific that is unspent reserves of money means at the end of the period and not transferred for the next period.

    ·   budgets with zero level – are made again every time (from the beginning)

    ·   successive budgets – have something like picture, where we make some changes during every budgeting, reflecting current changes in comparison with stable process.

              To make budgeting system effective on the enterprise we need to definite budget process, i.e. number of necessary conditions without which budgeting system will not work.

              First, enterprise must have corresponding methodological and methodical base of development, of control and analysis of budget use, and workers of management institutions must be qualified enough to use this methodology on practice. Methodological and methodical base of development, control and analysis of budget use, makes analytical block (or component) of budget process. 

    Second, to make new budget, to control and analyze its implementation, we need corresponding quantity of information of enterprise activity, full enough to have full picture of its real condition of finance state, move of goods-material and finance flows, and  main economic operations. Consequently, there must exist system of management accounting on the enterprise, which registers facts of economic activity, necessary to provide the process of formation, control and analysis of budget. System of management accounting on the enterprise makes the base of accounting block  (component) of budget process.

    Third, the budget process does not happen in “air-free space” –it is always realized through corresponding, existing at the enterprise, organisational structures and systems of management.

    Fourth, the process of development, control and analysis of budget realisation, presumes registration and processing of big number of information, and is difficult to make manually. The level of operational and register-analytical work and its quality in the budget process, increase essentially, and at the same time quantity of mistake decreases, when using program and technical means. Program and technical means, used by enterprises, make program and technical block of budgeting system.  

    All four components of budget process are closely related and make infrastructure of budgeting system at the enterprise (Table4).



    Program and technical block:

    -technical means;



    Organisational block:

    -functions of subdivision;

    - order of co-operation;

    system of co-operation.


    Accounting block:

    - accounting;

    - operational accounting;

    - information collection of market state.


    Analytical block:

    - methodology of formation,

    Control and analysis of consolidated budget;

    - Methods on separate sub-budgets;

    - qualified personnel



    Table 4. Budget process.

    Scheme bellow (sheme 5), shows the infrastructure of budgeting system, realised by proper set of logical inter conection between goals and their results. Ways to achieve goals are determined by plans of measures and valuable measure of plans –by budgets (picture 8).

    Scheme 5: Infrastructure of budgeting system.

    The last stage, in the development of budgeting on the enterprise, is integration of this process to informational and analytical system of control and positioning of budgeting as back technology of management. Such budget control allows including logic in the process of goals’ development and increase objective of plan data.

    System of budget control

    All around the world, finance management is described in the form of three main reports (budget income and expenditures  BIE, budget of money means flow BMMF, budget balance list BBL), which looks like system of coordinates to appreciate finance results of activities (picture 6). On the picture point A characterizes current state of the enterprise, and B common wished state at the end of planned period. Budgeting itself is a method of projecting of future means of finance reports. 

    Picture 6. System of coordinates to appreciate finance results.

    Move from point A to point B shows change of income, paying capacity and economic potential of the enterprise (balance). That is why enterprise must make clear positioning and “see everything itself” in finance coordinates, plan its move and further circumstances in future, and find acceptable correlation between three quantities, shown above. Foremost, it is necessary to see differences with the aim to build every budget. Mix principles of chosen budget, records for different kinds of budgets –standard mistake when building budget systems.

    Budget of income and expenditures –determines economic effectiveness of enterprise activity. This budget forms main finance results of enterprise activity, i.e. its profitability. Though, it is necessary to take into consideration that inner accounting policy has direct influence on the meaning of items, which is not always coincide with obligatory accounting records, f. ex. Rules of correlation of income and expenditures.

    Budget of money means flow has more obvious character, it directly plans and registers real flow of money means and comparatively simple for building. BMMF determines “paying capacity” of the enterprise as a difference of earnings and “leave” of money means for some period. Many companies start to build budget system from it and finish with it.

    And finally the last, from finance budgets –budget on balance list, which determines economic potential and finance state of the enterprise. BBL is a final budget, with correct model of finance accounting it can be formed on the base of BMMF and BIE.

    Advantages of budgeting.

    One of the legal world’s effective methods of enterprise control is considered to be budget method of management (budgeting). This method in different variants is used almost by all big and middle enterprises, and for the recent time became popular in small business too.

    System of budgets allows the head to appreciate beforehand, effectiveness of management decisions, and properly distribute resources between subdivisions and avoid emergency situations by means of planning and control. And so, system of budgeting combines main functions of management –planning and control.

    And for modern enterprise the task of budgeting is to increase effective work of enterprise by:


    · Common coordination of all events at the enterprise.

    · To bring out risks and decrease their level.

    · To rise flexibility and make it adaptable to changes.  

    Hence, budgeting for enterprise:

    ·   Allows coordinating all work of enterprise.

    ·   Budget analysis allows making correct changes in time.

    ·   Allows updating the process of resource distribution.

    ·    Develop process of communication.

    ·   Serves as a tool for comparison of achieved and wished results.

    Above said functions of budgeting are also good sides of budget control of the enterprise.

              As it was said , process of budgeting closely connected with accounting control of the enterprise, as it relies on finance and production   information, on its completeness and authenticity, and can create and use effective budget methods of enterprise control. Without organized, systematic and controlled system of accounting, process of budgeting can not be done. Consequently, to implement budget method of management, it is necessary to start from accounting system of the enterprise. It is necessary to analyze weak and strong sides of accounting, determine whether the system of accounting is effective and whether information, received by accounting, gives chance to achieve goals and tasks, set by the company. System of accounting is a base for further development and update of activity of any organisation and enterprise.

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